Return Policy

If you receive your product and it is faulty, please contact us via our contact us page and request a return and refund following our policies below.

  1. Refund requests must be made within 7 days of receiving your package.
  2. All items must be returned in the condition in which they were received, brand new, unused and inside their original packaging.
  3. We are not responsible for loss or damage during return shipment.
  4. The return email with return number must be included in the return package.
  5. The return package must be tracked, if you cannot provide a tracking number a refund cannot be issued if the item is lost in transit.

If you meet the required criteria for a refund please email us through and once your refund is confirmed by us we will email you with a return number. Please print this email and include it in the return package. Once items are received and approved by us, a refund will be issued for the returned items.

 For returns please note that unless the item is faulty shipping costs will not be refunded and will be at the customer's own expense.

If the wrong address is entered at the point of purchase and is returned undelivered to us, the cost to reship the item will be at the purchaser’s expense.